• 270-646-6388
  • david.ogles@digitechservices.com
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Overwatch Software

Learn more about our Overwatch Suite of software


Creating Technology Solutions That Empower Your Company

Today's business environment is fast-paced and ever changing. And with change usually comes complexity, especially when it involves technology.

At DSI, we take a different approach. We believe that providing improved technology should result in simplifying life, not making it more complex.

Why DSI?

Our solutions covers all your business needs in a one-stop solution: no more interfaces between different software required. Odoo apps are perfectly integrated to each other, allowing you to fully automate your business processes.

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 5 Million Users World Wide    Over 20,000 Apps
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50,000+ companies run Odoo to grow their businesses.

Join us and make your company a better place.


unique value proposition

Everything you need with a top notch user experience.

 The open source model of Odoo has allowed us to leverage thousands of developers and business experts to build hundreds of apps in just a few years.

With a strong technical foundation, Odoo's framework is unique. It provides top notch usability that scales across all apps.

Usability improvements made to Odoo will be automatically applied to all of our fully integrated apps.

That way, Odoo evolves much faster than any other solution.

50,000+ companies run Odoo to grow their businesses.

Join us and make your company a better place.

What We Do

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DSI utilizes its extensive experience and knowledge of today's technology to provide our clients. Our team has launched Standard Operating Environments for business of all sizes including Fortune 500 level companies.

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Custom Apps

Engage our team of dedicated professionals to design and develop customized solutions to meet your needs.

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Whether you choose to have Odoo in the cloud or on-premise, our team will ensure you implementation goes smoothly.

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Managed Hosting

Our highly skilled IT team can deploy, maintain, and manage your Odoo instance in the cloud or at your location